The Science of Weight loss


Optimum Health

The Science of Weight loss and Optimum Health

We are pleased to offer customized treatment options for

Weight Loss and Optimum Health

Scientifically designed for your unique biochemistry

Dr. Barbara Custer

Dr. Neetu Ahluwalia

Lets get started!

In the initial Telehealth consultation Dr. A and Dr.B will review your medical history and design a customized treatment protocol for your medical needs based on your needs and goals.

What is offered for weight loss:

Our comprehensive weight loss services offer a range of options to cater to individual preferences and requirements:

Weigh loss Injections

One of the options available is the utilization of natural or western weight loss injections (such as semaglutide) . These injections can be ordered as part of your treatment plan, as they are known to aid in the weight loss journey for some individuals. The choice between natural or western weight loss injections will be determined based on your specific needs and preferences.

Customized Natural Cleansing Program

Another service we offer is tailored cleansing programs designed specifically for weight loss. These customized cleansing programs are created to provide you with an effective and safe way to kickstart your weight loss journey. By removing toxins and impurities from your body, these programs can optimize your overall health and support your weight loss goals.

Hormone Panels for Weight Loss

In addition, we provide comprehensive hormone panels for both men and women. Hormones play a crucial role in weight management, and by evaluating your hormone levels, we can identify any imbalances that might be hindering your weight loss progress. Dr. B will analyze the results of these hormone panels, offering natural and western treatment options to address any imbalances and optimize your body's ability to shed unwanted pounds.

At East West we believe in a holistic approach to weight loss, considering the unique needs and preferences of each individual. Achieving your weight loss goals is our priority, and together with Dr. A and Dr. B, we are committed to guiding you through a personalized treatment protocol to help you find success on your weight loss journey.

Add-on Advance testing and services:


-Gut Microbiome Testing

-Food Allergy Testing

-Brain Chemistry Testing



-IV therapy

-Nutritional Consulting


-Herbal Supplements

-Plant based supplements

-Superfood recipes